SOAP #8 – Anticipating our Savior’s Second Coming
Jesus told the apostle John, “ Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay everyone for what he has done, as I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Revelation 22:12-13 ESV
The promise of Jesus, which Apostle John recorded is a message of encouragement to all Christians of all times. It contains three great reminders to us: 1) Jesus WILL return, 2) Jesus sees all and will repay those who have served Him, 3) Jesus is EVERYTHING. He is the “A” to the “Z”, the beginning to the end.
Ending the old year gives us an opportunity to look back on what transpired these past 12 months. And it’s interesting that God looks back, too. He knows all the prayers we’ve prayed. He’s seen all the times we served, often without a word of thanks from the recipient(s). He’s seen our “secret” giving. He alone knows the “price” it has cost us to do His will. And Jesus reassures us that He will repay us all for what we have done.
Thank You, Lord, for the reminder that YOU are coming again and that You plan to reward all the giving and serving and sacrifices that have been made in Your Name. Help me not get weary in well-doing. I rely on You to take me through every day, every task, and through this coming year. Once again I commit my life to serve and glorify You. Help me be Your faithful servantl, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.