Monday, March 16, 2009

Spirit of Spit

(Galatians 6:1) Brothers and sisters, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourselves, lest you too be tempted.

The essence of temptation is choosing to hear, accept, then act out a lie from Hell. It's grabbing (secretively or clamorously) something that Love has forbidden. It's also opting to withhold good that's in our power to give (6:10), which is simply acting on the lie that God's love is limited and I need to be obnoxious to hoard His grace. How silly! In contrast, Jesus could have justly exploded His wrath on us, but (as described in Ephesians 2), He chose to quietly absorb our transgressions and offer us grace and mercy instead.

When arguing or "exposing people's faults," I'm often tempted to grab the lie that being noisier makes me more right or overwhelming others with words makes me the winner. It's not easy to be gentle with people who spout different ideas ... until I learned how purging my own sins really helps me to be less harsh or antagonistic toward others as I try to help them (Matthew 7).

Wonderful Savior, You have offered me such kindness and patience! You quietly paid for my foolish sins and You gently allowed me to voice some truly gross ideas as though I understood. Through Your longsuffering towards me, I discovered how wrong I have been and how right You are. Thank You.

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