Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Can Rigid Righteousness Tolerate Boundaryless Love?

(Romans 5:6-8) For while we were still weak, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person--though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die--but God shows His love toward is in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Paul wasn't writing about addicts or burglars who risk their lives for each other, believing they're "really" good people. Nor was he referring to good people (parents, spouses, police officers, military) who willingly when necessary put their lives in harm's way. He was pointing to the rarity (perhaps because of its absurdity) of a person being so righteous (rigidly law abiding) that a good (kind) person would die in his or her place. Still more absurd would be a good person dying so a plague to the community (bad person) could continue. Good people are angered and appalled by evil just as righteous people resist evil, which makes Christ's love for us profoundly absurd, yet inviting.

Thankfully, God doesn't call us to die for other people's sins--only He could be so rigidly righteous and absurdly compassionate. Still, the same Holy Spirit (through Paul) invites me to become Christlike (Romans 12:1): to offer my body back to God as a living sacrifice (literally, living martyr). In my response to God's crazy love for me, I can become a living demonstration of the benefits of righteousness, goodness, and crazy love for people who don't technically deserve my care or kindness.

Lord, when I'm quietly honest, I admit that had I been in Jerusalem 2009 years ago, I too would have nailed You to the cross as an obedient (callous or scared) soldier, or mocked You if I'd been among the news junky spectators, or fled and denied You if I'd been Your disciple. You deserved to not forgive me even in my ignorance. Thank You. I could never duplicate such love, but I'm honored in my own small way to regift Your love through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Thank You!

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