Tuesday, March 3, 2009

True Love

(Numbers 33:4) ... On their gods also the Lord executed judgments.

This is what God does for us: He exposes the fraudulence of all our gods. He mercy compels Him to expose them for what they are; our stubborn recalcitrance compels Him to execute judgments so we admit their unreliability. The Israelites paid nothing to be delivered from these gods, but it cost them everything (give up all their false hopes and alliances) to wholly follow the Lord into the Promised Land (32:12).

The Israelites were suddenly extremely wealthy when they left Egypt, and their Egyptian wealth locked their hearts to the Egyptian gods, even though God's judgments left them shattered. Jesus lamented, "How difficult it will be fore those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!" (Mark 10:23). But it is possible. Peter replied, "See, we have left everything and followed You!" (Mark 10:28). I, too, decide again today to wholly follow Jesus Christ and to make serving and pleasing Him my sole ambition.

Lord, I believe You that You are the only God. I understand now that only when You are the preoccupation of my life will I be able to recognize how to graciously serve and love the people around me. O Lord, help me purge all false and treacherous loves from my heart!

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