Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Group Speak

(1 Thessalonians 2:14) For you ... became imitators of the churches of God in Christ Jesus that are in Judea. For you suffered the same things from your countrymen as they did from the Jews who ...

The Holy Spirit (through Paul) commended the church of the Thessalonian (Greek) nation for observing then imitating the many churches in Judea. It was a group consensus to follow these other Christians' example. Specifically, they responded boldly and faithfully to a persecution that was calculated to obstruct them from spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Although my salvation is an individual transaction and ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ, God also views me and responds to me for my contributions to the group I'm in and influencing (passively or actively). Therefore, I need to discern which group God associates me with: His Church that speaks to the lost that they might be saved, or people who "displease God and oppose all mankind by hindering us from speaking [the Gospel]" (v. 14,15).

Lord, I've forgotten the realities of this social-spiritual conflict and the reality of Your wrath (v. 16). As grateful as I am for enjoying Your peace and the joys of Your salvation, help me, too, to be listed among Your people who speak the Good News of salvation to people who don't really know You.

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