Monday, March 26, 2012

March 24, 2012



Psalm 24:1
The earth is the LORD’S, and everything in it.
The world and all its people belong to Him. (NLT)


Our triune God, without exception, is the final authority in all things; the buck stops with Yahweh. The LORD our God will always have the final Word and there is nothing in the entire physical universe, as well as in the unseen spiritual realms that happens apart from its Creator; the Almighty, Sovereign God. Jehovah has both the right and the privilege to claim everything He has created as His own personal possessions; all that is, is His.


The Creator is always in total control of that which He has created and nothing in all of creation happens without God’s knowledge (1 John 3:20) or authority to allow. God is everywhere at all times, for neither space nor time can confine His being or limit His supremacy. He sees and hears absolutely everything that goes on in His creation—nothing escapes God—nothing can be hidden from His all encompassing Presence. With God there is no darkness; everything is in His Light and visible for Him to see. He is the Father, Savior, Lord, King, Judge, Provider, Shepherd, Light, Word, Rock, Shelter, Lion and the Lamb, and the list goes on. In other words, God is Supreme—nothing trumps His sovereign will. If everything ceased to exist, only God would remain; He always has been, is today, and always will be (Psalm 90:2). That’s just the way it is! Every living, breathing organism on this earth depends on God for its very survival. It is only by God’s hand that He is able to provide for our every need; without exception (Acts 17:24-25). Our dependency on God is absolute and it is because of this that we owe Him every ounce of thanks and praise we can muster, because every provision He gives is a glorious act of perfect kindness and grace. It is for God’s benefit alone that we give Him the opportunity to reveal His glory by meeting our needs in whatever ways He chooses to do so. The Father of Life always knows what is best, and we should fully trust in His promise that He is both able and willing to take care of our every need, especially the needs of those people who know their Provider is God and rely on His abilities to provide what is needed and live in ways that honor God by acknowledging the glory that is His alone.


You are a great and mighty God, O LORD, and You are so gracious in our needs. Thank You for all the provisions You supply so that we can live and breathe to see another day. May Your Glory reign here on earth as it does in Heaven.


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