Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 7, 2012

“Looking to Heaven”


Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set you sights on the realities of Heaven, where Christ sits at God’s right hand in the place of honor and power. Let Heaven fill your thoughts. Do not think only about things down here on earth. (Colossians 3:1-2) NLT


When you really think about the brevity of human life on this earth, the amount of time spent from birth to death passes by rather quickly (Psalm 103:15-16); a reality everyone must face. Prophetically said, “this life is but a breath (Job 7:7), because our days are few when compared to the ages. This reality is absolute in its truth, and one that has motivated mankind since the beginning—one that dictates how we actually live our lives. So what lies beyond this life… if anything? Do our lives just simply cease to exist? Is there another life awaiting us after this one so quickly passes by? And if there is more life (more existence), are we held accountable for how we live this life? And if so, how do we live as we move through this life and into the next? These are very legitimate and crucial questions that need an answer, for the truth to these and similar questions, is what sets us free from living in doubt and fear. Knowing the truth about where you came from and why you are here, and where your human life-journey is headed is more than a matter of life and death; whether you will joyously live on with God in Heaven, or whether you suffer and exist in Hell forever. The Truth also brings us peace and hope for the future—A Truth that is neither hidden if asked for, nor is it difficult to find.


But beware of manmade, self-indulging truth, for it is not only bogus but deadly to boot. One must look to the True Source of Life—to the One who created it all. The Living God has graciously given us a clear and simple picture into the absolute realities and truths about this life and the one to follow. And once you know and understand God’s Truth it makes perfectly good sense to keep your focus on the longevity of God’s plan rather than on temporary plan of the here and now, because the LORD created man to be eternal creatures (Matthew 10:28). He created us living beings that are both physical and spiritual in nature. And so it would behoove us to keep our focus on Heaven and prepare ourselves for the next life rather than putting all our hope and energy into this short life that will eventually end in our body’s death and decay. The LORD has given us a wonderful gift called life, but because of one mans disobedience we all live in a sin-invested world that pulls us away from the Truth and into the deadly traps of Satan where we are easily deceived and become prey to the darkness that will eventually swallow us up forever. But there is a Way; there is Good News! Our Creator came into this world as a man and saved our souls from the grips of sin and sure destruction. Now, because of Christ’s sacrificial death and resurrection, the atonement for the world’s sins is complete and final. Now every man, woman, and child is able to escape the second death in the pits of Hell to receive a new resurrected body that is perfect, which will live on a new resurrected earth that is even more perfect than the original one, which will take its place in the new resurrected universe. And when this renewed creation is complete, we will physically live with the physically resurrected King of the Universe, Jesus Christ our Lord. For the New Jerusalem and the New Heaven will come down to the New Earth where God’s redeemed people will live and reign with Him for the rest of our eternal life-journeys. Remember, my friends, that when you are truly heavenly minded and trusting in the Lord, you will bring hope to some of those lost souls who are desperately searching for answers that will bring them peace in their difficult life-journeys and satisfy the true longings of their heart for God.



Thank You for the Truth, dear LORD…the Truth that saves…the Truth that gives new life.


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