Tuesday, January 17, 2012



Psalm 51:10

Create in me a clean heart, O God.
And renew a steadfast spirit within me. (NKJ)


Starting a new year with renewed aspirations and hope is a tradition that has been handed down from generation to generation. It just seems to be our human nature to do so. But in reality this renewal, if taken to heart, should faithfully be made at the beginning of each and every new day that God gives us, rather than just once a new year.


The reasoning behind this is first; tomorrow is unknown—what it will bring or will there even be a tomorrow, and second; as imperfect people who are prone to succumb to our weaknesses, especially those weak areas that pull us away from God, we need some One greater than ourselves to help us overcome those addictive, hard to let go, habits which cause us pain and unhealthy living—both physically as well as spiritually. And in order to accomplish true and lasting renewal in our lives we must first look at the heart, for it is from the heart that true change really takes place (Proverbs 23:7). And it is only God, our Creator, who can give us the new heart we need to overcome the deadly habits that we are all prone to follow. Being creatures of habitual nature, we must replace those old sinful habits (the things we know we shouldn’t do but like to do them anyways) that drag us down and replace them with new godly habits (things that our old stubborn nature doesn’t want us to do) that lift us up (Galatians 5:17). And the best way to accomplish this true and lasting change of heart, dear friends, is by humbly asking God what we need, where to find it, and then how to keep it. This critical change you desire takes more than just a couple or so day’s of commitment; it takes a steadfast daily renewal of ones mind, heart, and soul. There are multitudes of worldly ways that sound great and look even better, but the best place to begin looking is to God and His Truth. For it is in God and through His Word where you will find the key to healthy living and the right habits that will ensure your success, give you hope when you fall short, and supply you with the renewed strength and wisdom that will not only get you started on your new life-journey, but will help you remain steadfast in this lifelong quest that will bring you victoriously into the Presence of the Throne of God’s Glory and Grace—grace for the moment, and the glory forever!


Dear Lord, help me to surrender my life to You at the beginning of each new day, for the sinful nature that demands my obedience is much to powerful without You to sustain me. Help me stay grounded in Your Word and connected to Your Spirit, for it is only then that I can be victorious at the end of each day that you give to me.


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