Saturday, November 19, 2011

“Lesser than Greater”


John 3:30-31
He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.
He has come from above and is greater than anyone else. I am of the earth,
and my understanding is limited to the things of earth, but He has come from heaven. (NLT)


In order to understand the things of God we must first get over ourselves and put life into the proper perspective, most importantly, when it comes to whom the Creator is and who we the created are. The creator is always greater than that which he has created; much like the potter’s creative power over his creation (Isaiah 64:8). This simple analogy developed by our great Designer holds absolutely true, especially when it comes to describing the relationship between God and people and our life-journey on this earth (Isaiah 45:18).


Until we put our Creator, the Lord our God, Jesus Christ, above ourselves and make it a priority to know and understand how this life was designed to work, we will continue to pursue our own greatness which leaves little or no room at all for the One with whom all things were created by and for. If we are to experience the fullness and richness of life we must first understand the how and why of our existence and then believe it, for it is only by believing our greater God’s love for His creation and the mercy and grace He has for His people that anyone borne of this world has the opportunity to rise above our fallen human status to live blameless and godly lives in the eyes of the living and Holy God of all creation. When you stop focusing only on yourself and what this created world can do for you and humbly nail to the cross of Christ your past rebellion and ignorance of the creator—createe relationship, He will completely forgive you and begin to bless you with true understanding about this difficult life and the heavenly eternal life that is yet to come for everyone who believes. Our God is greater and bigger and more powerful than the entire created universe (Psalm 147:5). And even though we are incredibly small and seemingly insignificant in the vastness of God’s immense universe, He has chosen us, His redeemed people, to share in the greatness of His Eternal Kingdom. It is not a bad thing, my friend, to consider yourself less than, for when you do you will be able to rise above the deceiving greatness of this fallen world and meet our amazing God the Creator face to Face; just as He designed for you to do.


Please help me, O Lord, to put into the proper perspective, your awesome power to save Your people. For when I truly understand my place in Your creation, only then I can live my life as it was designed to live—a life that brings glory to Your Name.


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