Sunday, October 23, 2011

“Light Message”


1 Thessalonians 5:14, 16
Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid.
Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone.
No matter what happens always be thankful,
for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. (NLT)


As disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is His great commission that we spread the message of God’s Light (which has been so graciously shined upon our lives) with those who live in darkness (Matthew 28:18-20). This life-saving Truth that we carry in our hearts is for everyone to hear and heed, for without it there can be no peace or joy for anyone living in this dying world that is groaning for truth, for healing, and most desperately, for some blessed hope with which people can base their lives on.


Sadly, many lost souls of the world are depending on their governments or other people to give them their basic needs or dreams, rather than depending on their Creator and Provider. Many people, as I did, discover just how hopeless this life becomes without God’s direction and provision, because when we trust and rely on the world’s array of empty promises we will inevitably find ourselves dissatisfied or discouraged, bitter or resentful, and angry at the God who loves them even when they disbelieve in His existence. This is why, as believers in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior—the ones who carry His Message of Hope—we must not hide in the Truth that saves while we look forward to that great and awesome Day when Jesus comes for the Church, His Bride. For when this day suddenly arrives, we know that all hell will break lose and many lost and hopeless souls will loose their lives violently and forever (2 Thessalonians 1:7, 8)—including many that we know and love. Even though we are limited in our individual abilities to touch the masses, God is not, for God is Light (1 John 1:5). Even though His Church in the western world is luke warm at the moment, I believe there is revival in the air. We are God’s chosen people and we are all a functioning part of His Church body, called to work together in unison to shed some much needed light in this dark and damned world. There are so many lost and struggling to survive souls who are longing for Hope and finding none. Let us shine for the hopeless so they, too, can avoid that terrible day when God’s final and just wrath will be poured out from Heaven upon this earth and all those who live by it.


Dear Lord, help understand the importance of spreading Your Good News to those who live in darkness and to those who are deceived that they are living in Your Light. Please give me both the wisdom and the strength to do Your will, for the very life of Your people are at stake.


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