Saturday, August 13, 2011

“Rescued by Grace”


Galatians 1:3-5
May grace and peace be yours from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. He died for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live. That is why all glory belongs to God through all the ages of eternity. (NLT)


Every breath we take should be breathed in thanksgiving, because without the grace of God, which was poured out in His blood, there would be absolutely no hope nor joy for any human being, because without Christ’s sacrificial death on the Cross every living soul would face an eternity of darkness, forever separated from God’s Light; the only Light that gives us life (John 8:12).


The free will of mankind was given because the LORD did not want puppets for children—people that He could control into obedience and love. God graciously gave everyone the ability to freely choose either to live in obedience that would honor Him or to live in disobedience that would eventually bring them into destruction (Genesis 2:15-17). And like God’s created angels who had this same free will, we, too, make the fatal error of disobedience, thinking we can please our sinful nature and get away with it. But unlike the fallen angels, our gracious God has given every man, woman, and child the opportunity for redemption; for God so loved His created children that He provided the Way that we could regain our righteous standing before Him. But again, He gives us the freedom to make that choice—to choose His forgiveness and salvation or remain the way we are and suffer the dire consequences of eternal darkness. This life or death choice is one we must all make; God will not make it for us. There is no time to waste, dear friend, for your life could end at any moment and this decision must be made before it ends. This life is the only chance anyone has to make this eternal decision, and although most will choose the path of the world that leads into darkness, the LORD our God will keep His promise and honor His Word to those who choose to trust in His grace for their salvation. It is never too late while you breathe the breath of life to choose the eternal gift of God’s grace—the grace that saves—the grace that brings us peace (Ephesians 2:8).


My dear Lord, how can we thank You enough for the gift of our salvation that none of us deserves. What joy it can bring to any troubled heart just knowing that there is hope—that there is a future that ends good. Help us spread this Good News to those who are hopeless and lost, for without Your mercy and grace and the gift of salvation, the future without You as Lord is bleak, indeed.


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