Monday, July 11, 2011

“Glorious Master”


Revelation 1:8
“I am the Alpha and the Omega—the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord God. “I am the One who is, who always was, and who is still to come, the Almighty One.” (NLT)


This brief proclamation from the Lord our God tells us that He Himself is the beginning and the end of all things; that Jesus Christ is both our Creator and Redeemer; that nothing exists that He did not make (John 1:3). From this one verse we find the absolute truth about who God is, with nothing added, nor anything taken away.


But with that said; who are we in relationship with the Creator? Although I have pondered this question many moments during my life-journey, it has only been recently that God has reveled what I believe the truth to be. For those who believe existence is nothing more than random chance—no explanation is needed. But for those of us who believe in something greater than ourselves it is vital that we understand where we came from and who we are if we are to have any true purpose and value other than ourselves. And this is where the relationship with our Creator is so important to understand. Believers in God have been classified as many things; creatures, human beings, mankind, children, but what sets the Christian believer apart from all others is that the Lord God bought us for the price of His blood, making us His very own possessions (Ephesians 1:13-14). If we are to fully understand how to relate to our Lord and Savior we must voluntarily take the position of a slave to Christ Jesus—one who has no rights or will aside from the Glorious Master. Being Jesus’ slave means obedience and loyalty and as a Master, Jesus loves and takes care of all our needs. We own nothing, for all we have belongs to Him who has given us everything (Psalm 50:12). We do what He commands us to do and we do our best with what He has given us. We rely on His Truth and trust Him in all things. We cannot survive and maintain life without Him. We can do nothing good apart from Him. This is, my dear friends and fellow saints, the Truth that sets us free. As mere humans we all find ourselves in bondage to something—bondage to worldly things (good or bad) or bondage to the Lord our God. The first leads nowhere but to emptiness, the latter leads to the Glory of the Son and the fullness of the life He has so abundantly given.


Thank You, dear Lord, for giving us the gift of life and the freedom to choose our master. For when we choose You as our Master you give our life meaning and purpose. To be lead under Your control is a life-journey worth living. For Your Way is gentle, and our load is light. How I praise Your Mighty Name, both now and forever!


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