Saturday, June 25, 2011

“Soul Life”


Psalm 49:1, 8
Listen to this, all you people! Pay attention, everyone in the world!
Redemption does not come so easily, for no one can ever pay enough
to live forever and never see the grave. (NLT)


Our earthly death (which is inevitable) is not a subject that most people are inclined to discuss but it happens to be a reality in which all peoples throughout the world are concerned. Sadly, the world view has duped the vast majority of its population into believing and teaching that life came about by chance and like animals we are without a soul or a conscious; that our earthly life is all there is and death is our end. God’s absolute truth and wisdom about life are not attributes easily accepted by mankind, nor are they easily obtained.


Manmade truth and wisdom is utterly foolish when compared to the LORD’s, for all human truth and wisdom will eventually become obsolete with time. But the truth and wisdom from our Creator is not only absolute but is eternal as well, and will stand strong long after this world has passed away
(1 Peter1:23-25). It is easier to conform in a world that ends with your life, than it is to live against its grain by believing that this life is only the beginning. When we equal ourselves with animal and plant life it falsely becomes survival of the fittest. When you believe this life is all you have your teachable abilities are compromised and you become so prideful in your worldly view that your heart will harden and the distance between you and your Creator will grow until that day arrives (and it will) when His door will close forever and there will be no more opportunities to live in His Light forever. The conscious darkness of the grave will never end for those who turn their back on God in order to grab hold of all the false hope and happiness this world has to offer. We must remember, my friends, that anything and everything that is good comes from our God in heaven (James 1:17). All other things come from the evil heart of fallen mankind (Mark 7:21-23) with Satan, the father of lies and deceit, as its head. God created us, His beloved people, just a little lower than His angels, but for humans (unlike the angels who rebelled against God) He has offered us the gift of redemption and salvation—the eternal gift of life that is always available for anyone who is still alive and breathing the air of this earth. Your earthly life will soon end (maybe within the next few moments) but not so with our souls. This Truth, which is given in love, is the wisdom that has no end, and it is God’s unchanging and absolute truth and wisdom that this world needs most; not more foolishness from prideful mankind.


Please help us, dear LORD, to listen and believe Your voice and not that of this fallen world’s foolish voices. The heartless mindset of this fallen world’s view will rob us of any true joy and peace while we strive to survive in this dying world, and we need Your strength to fight the lies of the Enemy so that we can abide in Your Truth and Wisdom. Thank You, Father in heaven, for sharing Your Truth with us, so that we might live forever in Your Light.


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