Monday, April 18, 2011



2 Corinthians 4:16-17
That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For our present troubles are quite small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurable great glory that will last forever! (NLT)


When we turn our lives over to the care and control of the LORD our God there are two things going on in unison that are important to understand. On the one hand, our imperfect bodies continually grow older, wearing out and will eventually come to an end. And while this natural process is taking place the stresses and troubles that come with living in this fallen world will often speed up this decaying process. Most people who still have their youth don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the ageing process. But as our bodies begin to break down, ageing becomes reality, and the final outcome gets closer with each passing day. On the other hand, while all this decaying is going on, as Christians we are continually drawing closer to the Lord, experiencing the renewing of our spirits; the heart and soul of our new lives in Christ Jesus.


As Christians living in a fallen world we are oppressed (in some degree) on all sides (1 John 5:19); some physically, some emotionally, and some both. If you confess that you are a friend of God, you will automatically become an enemy of the world and its ways (James 4:4). Most people with a somewhat sound mind who are not living a new life in the Savior, Christ Jesus, are living a life of denying the realities of time and eternity, and of heaven and hell. Most adults will testify that this life is not only very short, but awfully difficult as well; whereas eternity is a very long time, especially an eternity spent in difficulties one cannot imagine. The sufferings we experience living this life in Jesus Christ is peanuts when compared to the glory we will experience with Jesus for eternity. But for those who choose the world as their Savior; the price they pay for such a short period of time will cost them incredibly more suffering than all the people put together who have ever lived in this life. As a believer in Christ you will never lose enough heart to give up, because the best hope anyone can have in this life of decay and death lies in the truth of the Resurrection (1 Peter 1:3).


Thank You, Lord God, for the life in You that has no end. In this cruel and heartless world that is difficult to survive in, the new life You offer gives us peace in all circumstances. Help us, dear Lord, stand strong in Your Truth and give us Your strength to overcome this world until we can share in the glory of Your inheritance.


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