Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Safety in God"


Psalm 73:26-27
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
But God remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever.
But those who desert Him will perish,
For You destroy those who abandon You. (NLT)


The great and mighty Sovereign God created the universe in such a way that it would always have to depend on Him for its very existence (Colossians 1:16-17). Therefore we, who He also created, depend on Him for our every need. Unfortunately, mankind has decided otherwise, and since sin entered into this world we have sought after many other gods to provide the desires of our hearts (Proverbs 14:12).


Have you ever wondered why so many worldly minded people prosper greatly at the hands of others? There has been and always will be people who focus on the world and their own selfish needs for their gain; those who disregard everyone who stands in their way or differs in their ideology. But the truth is my friends, that no matter how powerful, or how rich, or how materially successful a person becomes in this life they will always stand puny and helpless before the LORD (Hebrews 4:13). But those who honor their Creator and follow His ways will find the strength they need to survive this hard and difficult life with honor and dignity. Those who are covered in Christ will be able to stand blameless and righteous before the God of the universe. Those who depend on the LORD their God will reap the rewards for eternity. But sadly, for those who live by the gods of this world and turn their backs on the only true and living God; they will not only loose their life and everything they have achieved here on earth, but they will pay dearly the price for their disobedience!


Dear LORD, thank you for Your mercy and grace even though we do not deserve it. Thank You for the values that express the love You have for us, Your people. Help me gain the wisdom and courage to follow Your ways that lead to the true meaning of life. Help me remain steadfast in my dependence on You, for it is You who provides all things that have lasting value.


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