Monday, January 31, 2011

Trusting the Lord


Jeremiah 17:7
“Blessed is the man who
trusts in the LORD
And whose trust is the LORD.”


The truth of these words will not hit home until you have experienced the many blessings we receive when we live for the Lord our God, Christ Jesus, and do it according to His will. But what hits home for most people is the truth found in verses 5 and 6, for when we put our trust in this fallen world and in our own strength the consequences for most people will be devastating; not only in this life, but in our eternal destination as well.


God’s blessings are many and come in many shapes and sizes and are not only based on our own individual needs, but on many occasions, according to the needs of an entire nation. But for whoever the blessing are given, we can rest assure that they are all given according to God’s eternal plan. Therefore, the same can be said about the curses of God for those who turn their backs on Him and live only in the flesh as their own provider and savior. My dear friends, I know from experience, that when our lives are far from God and we rely solely on our own abilities and strength it is never enough to save us from the wrath that living in this world can bring, nor will it keep us from the final wrath of God.
Whenever we walk through our life-journey in the Light of God’s Truth our blessings will always be more than enough (Proverbs 28:20) to help us persevere in this life with the peace and joy of Lord living in our hearts (Psalm 29:11). For in all peoples, God has put eternity in their hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11), even though there are many who live in denial of this truth. The question is: are we willing to suffer a short while, trusting in our Creator to give us all that we need until that day when He will bless with eternal life, or do we chose to struggle through this short life grabbing all that we can to satisfy our fleshly hungers only to suffer unfathomable misery in the eternal darkness of hell? You have a choice, my friends, will you trust in the Lord and all He has promised, or will you trust only in yourself and loose all that God has for you?


Thank You, Lord, for being who You are and for doing all that You say You will do. I know that Your Word is truth and this is what gives me the strength to deal with all the lies of the Enemy and his unstable world. Because You, O Lord, are my Rock, I can lay down in peace knowing that no matter what happens I am safely in Your hands.

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