Friday, November 28, 2008

Small Talk with a Big God

(Matthew 26:38) Then [Jesus] said to [Peter, James, and John], "My soul is very sorrowful even to death; remain here, and watch with me."

In extraordinary grief, in the face of imminent death, having loved ones nearby is comforting--even though temptation and death are ultimately one-on-one battles. Jesus knew that watchfulness (that is, staying alert and prayerful) is crucial at these times because Satan, the deceiver who accuses, has found these to be easy opportunities for his successes.

If I were there, conversing with Jesus on His last precross night (and presumably my own last night, too), what would I have talked about? How significant would my small talk have been? Here, where only darkness kept their human enemies away, Jesus' love for me is most visible. His great sorrow and compassion moved Him to "sell all He owned and distribute His wealth to the poor [us], so He could have greater treasure in Heaven, so we could follow Him there" (Luke 18:22-25).

Savior, what has proven to be impossible for me, You have successfully achieved. You paid for my full salvation even while I kept trying and failing. I can never thank You enough for Your forgiveness and Your grace!

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