Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Being Afraid Doesn’t Mean You're in the Wrong Place

(Mark 4:39-40) “And He awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm. He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?”

Jesus demonstrated His identity. As God’s only begotten Son, nothing impossible for Jesus, and this revelation was only starting to be just barely understood by His disciples. They had yet to deny Him, to abandon Him, and to realize with certainty that He’s the Messiah—they had a long maturation process still ahead of them. Witnessing this miracle was God gift. It was a powerful metaphor that gave them a “hope-anchor” for future storms, an assurance for faith to lock a hold of.

I know that I know that Jesus is trustworthy. I can no longer honestly deny Him because of the winds He’s stilled and the storms He’s calmed in my life. This gives me hope and direction for the storms that have yet to arise and the tsunamis that pretend to threaten my future.


Master, Son of God, I trust You. Like those disciples, I’m sure I, too, have much maturing still needed. And sometimes gorgeous days turn blustery; still, I’m learning to become more courageous and faithful. I’m so deeply grateful for really knowing that You are absolutely trustworthy…and more powerful than any blow-hard wind.

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