Sunday, August 3, 2008


(Isaiah 53:5) But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His stripes we are healed.

Wounding, crushing, chastising, and striping are serious methods for correcting our sins. Chastisement--verbal rebukes--seem relatively out of place here, but that helps us see the incongruency of the whole: Why would the Sinless One have to suffer the sting of oral reprimands? If that was unfair, how much greater must the other stings be?

I don't like being corrected, but when I receive it with a right heart there's a healing comfort that soothes my pain...small pains in comparison to His. I can't help but think that my willingness to receive my Heavenly Father's correction and to respond repentantly must also comfort my Savior who endured such painful wounds for me.

Dear Savior, there is so much I don't yet understand about Your love for me. Why would You receive so much injustice? Why was my justification so important? Me of all people? Thank You hardly seems significant, but is also seems the perfect, honest starting place. So... thank You...and please continue correcting me.

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