Sunday, June 29, 2008

I'm Elected by God!

(2 Timothy 2:10) Therefore, I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.

The elect. These are people whom God selects. And according to His eternal plan (Ephesians 1:1-10; 2:10), He chose--predestined--that salvation would be given to "whosoever" believes in Jesus Christ as Lord (John 3:16-21; Romans 6:22,23). People who "elect" Jesus inevitably become different from everyone else because--with Jesus as their Lord--they make all subsequent choices according to His measuring stick, not ours, not the world's.

I see now why Paul "endured everything for the sake of the elect." (Endure means to remain under the load of one's current task.) In millions of my choices, I'm either denying Jesus (rejecting His Lordship) or I'm re-electing Him as my Lord. And each time I choose Him, He releases into my corner of the cosmos an increase of the "salvation that is in Christ."

My Lord and King, I choose You. I thrill at being known by You yet still chosen by You for salvation. I'm learning to be like You in enduring all things so that many people will also obtain salvation in You. I commemorate my first, pivotal decision to trust You, and I celebrate the millions of choices that are following that first great one.

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