Monday, February 18, 2008

How do you see?

S -
Matthew 6:22 (ESV)
The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is healthy your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness how great is the darkness.

O -
Your eye, your vision, will affect your whole body, soul, and spirit. How do you look at things? Are you struggling with how things look to you? God says how you see it, how you perceive it, will affect your emotions, your thoughts, your spirit and even your physical well being.

A -
How well do you see? Jesus in Chapter 5, went up on the hill, sat down and began to teach. In 5:21 He tells us to not stay angry with your brother but to go to him and be reconciled. In 5:27 he says to not even look upon a woman with lust because that's the same as committing adultery with her. In 5:38 He tells us to turn the other cheek; in 5:43 He tells us to love our enemy. In 6:1 He tells us to give to the needy, and in 6:19 He tells us to store up our treasures in Heaven, not treasures on earth. How can we possibly do these things? They are so contrary to our nature! When someone has wronged us, how can you forgive and turn the other cheek? How do you love your enemy? How do you see past the urgency of our need on this earth and place our treasure in Heaven? How do you look at these things? If we look at them with our own understanding, it's very bleak. I cried out to God and asked "Why?" "I don't get it!" "I don't understand!" "I can't..." and He asked me "How are you looking? Through your eyes or Mine?"

P -
Father, give me your eyes so I can see. With my eyes, I am in darkness and I don't get it, I don't understand. It's dark and it's scary and I don't like it here. Please let me see through your eyes; then I can understand. Then I can have clear vision. With your eyes, the anger subsides and I can forgive. With your eyes of understanding turning the other cheek makes sense now. Thank you, Father, for not leaving me in darkness! Amen

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