“Hear His Voice?”
He personally carried away our sins in His own body on the cross so we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. You have been healed by His wounds! Once you were wandering like lost sheep. But now you have turned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls. (1 Peter 2:24-25) NLT
We have all, at one time or another, walked in the darkness of this world gone astray—a world that is drifting further and further away from the Holy One who created it and everything in it. I spent most of my life wandering in this darkness, grabbling for whatever I could get my hands on, trying to make sense out of a life that really made no sense at all. For when we live within the realms of darkness that covers this world, we can neither see, nor understand the glory of our God and what He accomplished for mankind (1 Corinthians 2:12)—which is the hope of personal salvation for every living person who walks upon this earth. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Shepherd of our souls, left the Glory of Heaven to do for us what we nor the world could ever do; He saved the world from obliteration and its people from eternal darkness. He gave us Hope, He gave us good purpose. He gave us Himself as the perfect and final sacrificial Lamb of God, suffered for our sins, paid the full price for our disobedience and that of mankind’s, and graciously accepted the wrath of condemnation that was both fair and justly due.
This single act of our loving and merciful and gracious God was a gift freely paid for and one freely given to all the peoples of this world who would have, otherwise, never been able to afford the price tag it carried, nor ever earn the blessings it offered (Roman 3:23-24). The Good News of our Shepherd is we no longer have to wander the earth in its darkness, searching for truth and the right path that will lead us Home. For the Shepherd has come calling to follow His Voice, so He can bring us out of the darkness and heal our wounds. We have a Good Shepherd that watches over His flock day and night; One who never sleeps, but keeps His focus on the journey that will get us all Home. For all those who have turned to the Good Shepherd, we know how important it is to remain in close to His Presence, for when we do we can be sure of our safety and the direction of His Way. The road is not easy and many detours will be made, but with God’s mercy and grace leading the Way we are encouraged and strengthened and will remain steadfast. And on our journey we must remember to pray for the lost; that they will hear His Voice and follow it out of the darkness and death, and into the Light of His everlasting Glory. For it is here that we find hope and peace and comfort for our weary souls—souls that were lost, but are now so graciously found (Luke 15:32).
Thank You, O God, for the greatest gift ever given to us. Thank You for saving us from darkness of this world and securing our Home with You. None of us deserves what you so feely gave. What a wonderful Savior we have in You. Amen