Sunday, February 26, 2012

February 25, 2012

“All Things New”


2 Corinthians 4:16-18
That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. For our present troubles are quite small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever! So we don’t look at the troubles we can see right now; rather, we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever. (NLT)


Because of the curse that sin has brought upon this world there never has been nor will there ever be a trouble-free existence for any living being this side of Heaven. This is just the way it is—there is no other way around it. Since the beginning of time mankind has sought to create the utopian life-style for itself and has never succeeded, because flawed people living in a flawed world are incapable of creating anything that is unflawed—imperfectness can never create that which is perfect—it is simply not possible. There is only One who is able to create something that is perfect and without flaws—our Perfect God and Creator, Christ Jesus. And it’s God’s promise to make all things new (Revelation 21:5) and perfect after the final judgment of the enemies of God and the ending of time (Revelation 22:3-6). He, the Lord our Perfect God, will restore the entire universe to perfection; including the earth and all those who became God’s own children by submitting their lives to Him and accepting Christ as their only Lord and Savior.


Our imperfect, finite minds cannot even begin to fathom a perfect existence in a perfect universe that is without the curse of time. God tells us in His Word that even the worst possible trouble we could ever experience in this life is absolutely incomparable to the Glory of God and our share in it (Romans 8:18). We have a glorious Savior, my friends, who promise to make our Christian lives worth all the trouble that living in this sin-filled and evil world brings. God wants us to focus on the eternal ramifications for how we live on this planet, for our lives are extremely short lived, especially when compared to eternity. I believe the question we all should be asking ourselves is this: Am I looking only to gain what the world offers and the approval of mankind denying the afterlife, or am I striving to live as God would have me live according to His Word, focusing on Him and eternity, rather than on my short life lived in the here and now? How you answer this basic question is one of the most important of your life, because the time allotted for you to answer is not only short lived, but how short is uncertain as well.


Thank You, dear Lord, for allowing me to choose You and eternal life. Without Your promise this life would not be worth the trouble—it would not be worth living. Thank You for all You promise, for it is Your promises that keep us alive.

February 18, 2012

“Living Water”


Psalm 36:9
For You are the Fountain of Life,
the Light by which we see. (NLT)


The picture I receive of the Fountain mentioned above is an inexhaustible source of refreshing living water that is replenishing the pool at the bottom with the kind of clear, purified water that is necessary to sustain that which is holy; as God is holy. And in order to find this inexhaustible source for holy living we must also have an unending Source of Light (1 John 1:5), for without this everlasting Light all we would know is darkness and uncertainty and guessing and chance while tumbling head over heal in terror toward the cliff of the abyss where, one day, we are certain to fall over its edge with nothing to grab hold of.


Our incredible Creator, the God of the universe, is our only Source for life, because without the Power of His Word there would be either nothing at all or all there was would be in total chaos—without order or purpose (Hebrews 1:3). Without the Fountain of Living Water replenishing us, our lives would become meaningless, self-indulgent, and fruitless; never satisfying and ultimately ending in darkness and despair. What a priceless gift that our Lord has given us, my friends; the gift of His Grace (Romans 6:14) which flows freely from the Fountain of Life. For without His free flowing abundant Grace the rivers of living water could never be found, for His Light would no longer shine, leaving us to live on our own with defeat and despair as our only hope. If you desire a fulfilling and meaningful life, you must take advantage of the Light He provides so you can find and tap into His everlasting Fountain of Life—the only Source for the Living Water that gives and sustains everlasting life. We have basically two choices, my friends; life or death, light or darkness, God or the world, and God gives most of us an opportunity to freely choose one way or the other. There are no in-betweens; no grey areas and you cannot have both. So choose wisely and choose quickly, dear friend, because if you wait too long the choice may be made for you and it is one that you will be forever begging God to reverse—an effort of no avail.


Dear God, how I praise You for not allowing my time to run out before I could choose to follow You into everlasting life. Thank You for the Living Water that sustains and the opportunity to experience it. For without Your abundant mercy and grace we would all be lost in the abyss forever.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 11, 2012

“Life Sustainer”


Jeremiah 15:16
Your words are what sustain me. They bring me great joy and are my heart’s delight,
for I bear your name, O LORD God Almighty. (NLT)


Not only do the words of our Almighty Creator hold the universe together (Hebrews 1:3) so we can breathe and live (Job 34:14-15) on one of the many planets that God calls earth, but His Written Word, the Bible, is the living Word of God that gives us everything we need in order to live an ongoing, righteous life that brings honor to God and to ourselves as well. Once we have the Holy Spirit of God living in our hearts opening our eyes to truth and understanding, we will be filled with the kind of non-decaying, everlasting joy and peace that only comes from knowing the LORD our God—the One who has saved us from our self-destructing iniquities and given us a true reason to live for Him.


God is the only One who is perfectly honest and trustworthy. Every word He speaks is the absolute, undeniable truth that not only lights the paths in which we need to follow throughout our entire live-journeys, but it is the Promise of His Word that saves the very life of our souls (Hebrews 6:16-19) from being thrown in the Lake of Fire for eternity—a place you do not want to experience. God’s Word brings joy to the joyless, hope to the hopeless, and peace to those who know no peace. Know matter who you are or where you live or what you have done, and no matter what your circumstances may be, God’s Word has the power to change any life at any time. The world preaches otherwise, but you must not buy into the lies about our Great and faithful God. And you need never feel alone, my friends, because the Power of God’s Living Words will bring His Life into yours.


Thank You for Your grace, dear Lord, that allows me to breathe and live for you. Thank you for Your life-giving Word to sustain us even in the most troubling of times. And most of all, my God, thank you for Your abounding mercy that You show us each and every day.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

February 4, 2012

“Fear and Life”


Exodus 20:20
“Don’t be afraid”, Moses said, “for God has come in this way to show you His awesome power.
From now on, let your fear of Him keep you from sinning!” (NLT)


As we discover the unimaginable powers of energy that this vast universe is made up of, the more we should consider and understand the incredible power that our Creator, the LORD God Almighty possesses; which should give us even more reason to fear His awesome power than the Israelites, especially in these last days before He pours out the wrath of His anger upon this earth. But even more than fearing God’s incredible power that He will one day unleash against mankind, we need to fear the Lord’s final judgment.


Fear is a healthy emotion—one of the many unique characteristics that the Lord has given us so that we would be able to better prepare for and protect ourselves from those things that threaten both our physical and spiritual wellbeing. Anyone who claims to have no fear is either living dangerously in denial or is mentally unstable. We should use our God-given fear wisely, my friends, because the life of our eternal body and soul is what is truly at stake (Hebrews 12:28-29). Although we have a God who is all loving and kind and compassionate and merciful and gracious, we must also know that we have a Divine God of Justice (Deuteronomy 32:4). Since the beginning of time mankind has perverted and misused God’s justice to the point where there is none to be found this side of Heaven. God has tried to teach us His Law and the consequences for our disobedience, but the curse that sin brought into this world has made God’s justice so irrelevant in today’s life styles that it is now okay to sin, (if there is such a thing) because the world believes there are really no consequences beyond this life. Do not be duped by these lies of Satan, dear friends, because God’s justice is very real and His judgment will prevail. All those who refuse to fear the most powerful entity of the universe will, indeed, suffer the consequences that God’s eternal judgment will bare down upon them, and never again have an opportunity for redemption. Fear of the LORD Almighty is, without a doubt, the beginning of all wise decision making (Proverbs 9:10). Fearing God is a good emotion, and one that will not only save your eternal life, but will cause others to see and understand this life-saving truth that has been so deceitfully sugar coated, and so widely accepted, in order to mislead and destroy God’s people. Fear and life should always co-exist in peace, because it is our fear of God that brings us to the full glory of life.


It is impossible, O God, to understand the incredible power that is Yours. Thank You for the wisdom You have so graciously provided, so that we would learn what it is to fear Your Mighty Name. It keeps us in-check because without this healthy fear of You, O LORD, we would be helplessly foolish in our quest to live our own selfish way in this short life on earth. Thank You for the fear that saves!
