Friday, November 26, 2010

Knowing The Truth


John 17:3
This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God,
and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. ( NASB)


This verse comes from the farewell prayer of our “High Priest” Jesus Christ; a prayer that is essentially an intercession for all believers, especially for those who will go on to form the future church. This was the prayer that Jesus prayed before He and His disciples went into the garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives where Jesus was arrested, and soon after crucified. The eternal life that Jesus is speaking of in this verse is basically His definition of our salvation and the way that we, as believers, can receive it.


Jesus, our High Priest (Hebrews 9:11-12), is the only One who can intercede with God on our behalf. It is only through Jesus, our Lord and Savior, that we can come into the Holy Presence of God the Father. There is no other way, my friends. Good deeds won’t get us there; good behavior won’t get the job done. We cannot buy our way in, nor can we trick our way into Paradise. The only option we have is our faith (Romans 5:1-2) in believing God’s will for us. And the only way that we can know what God’s will is, is through our life-line to God, Christ Jesus.
It is my belief that understanding Jesus’ farewell prayer to His disciples is a prerequisite if we, as Christians, are to successfully minister to the peoples of this fallen world. For after we have spoken from God to them, through the Truth of His Word, we need to then follow through by speaking to God on their behalf through our prayers and petitions (1 Timothy 2:1-7).


With a thankful heart, O Lord, I know that You are our only Hope for salvation. I am so grateful for providing the only High Priest who can bring us into Your Presence with our prayers and petitions so that we can be faithfully heard and answered. The glory is Yours alone, O God, now and forever!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving To God


1 Chronicles 16:8-11, 34
Oh give thanks to the LORD, call upon His name;
Make known His deeds among the peoples.
Sing to Him, sing praises to Him;
Speak of all His wonders.
Seek the LORD and His strength;
Seek His face continually.
O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;
For His lovingkindness is everlasting. (NASB)


King David (through the Spirit) composed this thanksgiving psalm to be sung upon the entry of the Ark into a special tent that was prepared for it. The Ark had been stolen and returned to Israel but sat obscure in a country village until that time when David ordered it to be moved.


As I sit here this Thanksgiving morning pondering the things that fill my heart with thanksgiving and gladness, the one thing that stands apart from the multitude of blessings I am so gratefully thankful for is the lovingkindness and the mercy and grace of God the Father for sending into our world God the Son, Lord Jesus Christ who sent us God the Holy Spirit.
Thanksgiving is traditionally an American holiday set aside from all other days to give thanks to the LORD our God for His many blessings, which has made us a unique nation in a dark and rebellious world that despises His Son. Our mighty nation under God has given more of itself to help the deprived souls of this wicked world than any other nation in the history of man. God has used U.S. for His purpose and it gives me great honor to have been able to defend our God and be called an American. But more importantly I am even more honored to be called a child of the Living God, who has given me the true meaning of what it means to be thankful, for without Him in our world we would be engulfed in total darkness without the Light that gives us life. Without Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior we would be without the hope of better things to come; without a meaningful purpose to satisfy our longing hearts; without the Way that brings true joy and understanding; without the Comforter who gives us peace and confidence to trust during our afflictions. We, my friends, would be raw meat in the jaws of the Enemy who shows no mercy, for He would devour us in his contempt for God and we would never have the chance (know matter how hard we may try) to experience the goodness of who our Creator is and what He has planned for those who believe and trust in the Son He has so graciously given to us. For He is our Light in this dark world and when you take His mighty hand with thanksgiving, my friends, He will lead you into the Presence of God where you will discover His True Majestic Glory face to Face.


Giving thanks to You, O LORD, is not only the right thing to do but it is a privilege of honor for all those who call You Father. For You have been our Protector and Provider since the dawn of our creation. You alone, O God have shown Your lovingkindness even though we do not deserve the blessings you so graciously hand out to us. My thanksgiving to You is beyond any words that I can find, but it fills the most inner parts of my heart with a joy that exceeds all other joy. It is only because of You that I can now write these words of truth in the safety of Your Holy Presence.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Father We Can Trust Completely


Daniel 9:18-19
“O my God, listen to me and hear my request. Open your eyes and see our wretchedness. See how your city lies in ruins—for everyone knows that it is Yours. We do not ask because we deserve help, but because you are so merciful.”
“O Lord, hear. O Lord, forgive. O Lord, listen and act! For Your own sake, O my God, do not delay, for Your people and Your city bear Your name.” (NLT)


Daniel’s prayer for his people did not go unanswered even though he knew from reading the Scriptures that Jerusalem must lay in ruins for seventy years. Yet, he cried out to God for mercy and confessed the wickedness of Israel. Daniel was well aware that it was Israel’s rebellion against God that had caused their downfall, but he longed for understanding and mercy, therefore, petitioned God through prayer. And while Daniel was deep in prayer God sent His angel Gabriel with visions of what was to come.


As Christians, our prayer life is an intricate part of our relationship with God, our Creator. God delights in our prayers because they not only show God that we are putting our trust in Him, our Father, but we are also acknowledging our dependence on Him, who loves us. When we humbly bow before Him in faith filled prayer we are relying on God’s wisdom, His love and compassion, His goodness and power. The Lord God is our Father and so as His children we should always turn and rely on our Father (Luke 11: 11-13) to provide and protect so that we can gain the wisdom that will not only give us an abundant life in all its fullness, but will also honor and glorify our Gracious Father who has provided us with the priceless, precious gift of undeserved salvation.
Setting aside all the reason’s we should pray, I believe that the most fulfilling aspect of our personal prayer life is the fact that it brings us into a deeper and more intimate relationship with God; not only an increased love and devotion to Him, but a true fellowship that draws us into His Presence with an everlasting friendship that has no bounds. Our prayers are the way we communicate with our loving, merciful, Almighty God and Father. And ever doubt, my friends, that when you humbly come into God’s Holy Presence (with sincere faith in your hearts) to pray, that He will answer you according to His will (Matthew 21:21-22).


How thankful I am, O Lord, that I can come into Your Presence knowing that You hear my every prayer, and gives only what is best. What honor it is to be called a child of the Living God; a Father who has provided more than I could ever deserve. I love you, my Father!

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Living God


Daniel 6: 25-27
Then King Darius sent this message to the people of every race and nation and language throughout the world:
“Peace and prosperity to you!

I decree that everyone throughout my kingdom should tremble with fear before the God of Daniel.
For He is the Living God, and He will endure forever.
His kingdom will never be destroyed, and His rule will never end.
He rescues and saves His people;
He performs miraculous signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth.
He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.” (NLT)


After King Darius, the successor of King Nebuchadnezzar, was tricked into signing a deliberate and irrevocable law that would condemn Daniel, the king had no choice but to have Daniel thrown into the lion’s den. But the Sovereign God protected Daniel throughout the night and rescued him from being devoured by the lion’s. And so it was that King Darius was overjoyed in God’s miraculous intervention that he ordered his men to remove Daniel from the lion’s den and sent this message throughout his kingdom, which was the known world in its time.


Throughout the age of man God has been very active in the lives of His people. We know this because His Holy Word, the Bible, is living proof of this. All words in Scripture are God’s words, and therefore, speak the absolute truth (2 Samuel 7:28), (John 17:17). Just as it was in biblical times, our Gracious God is still very active today protecting and saving His children from the jaws of the roaring lion, Satan, who is always searching for some poor, unprotected soul to devour (1 Peter 5:8). My dear friends, without our sovereign God and Savior and His gift of salvation, this fallen world and its entire population would be unprotected and at the hands of the Destroyer; Whereby, every soul would suffer the sting of death and the final wrath of our Holy and Sovereign God. This healthy fear of God should motivate us all to turn away from the lies of the Enemy and his world view and focus on the only Truth that will save our weary souls.
As for myself, I will never let a day go by without thanking my gracious God for saving me from the devouring jaws of Satan, which would have condemned me to an eternal life of being totally separated from the goodness that the LORD our God has planned for all those who cry out to Him for help, and trust fully in the Word of Life that He has given us!


You are the only living God, my Lord and Savior. You alone, O God, hold the power of life and death in your hands and you use your power justly. You are the Holiest of Holy. And what an honor it is to know that you have made a way so that we could come into Your Presence—A gracious blessing that no human being deserves. Thank You Father, for the gift of salvation!

Power In Prayer


Daniel 2:19-20
Then the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a night vision. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven; Daniel answered and said, “Let the name of God be blessed forever and ever,
For wisdom and power belong to Him.”


Daniel went to Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, in order to request more time to discover what the king’s dream was and its interpretation so that he, his three friends, and all the wise men of Babylon would not be put to death for not knowing Nebuchadnezzar disturbing dream. After speaking with the king, Daniel went back home to pray and to ask his three friends to also pray for God’s mercy and to reveal the dream to Daniel. And so it came to be on that very night, a vision from God giving Daniel every detail of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and what it all meant.


Our most powerful God; the One who spoke the universe into existence and create life itself, is the same God who delights and takes a personal interest in all His children’s lives. Because of His character and sovereignty, the LORD sees and hears (both believers and unbelievers) our every cry for His mercy and grace (2 Chronicles 16:9). And just as we see here with Daniel and his friends, all Christians everywhere have this same awesome power that prayer in faith can unlock. Our prayers become a mighty tool for those believers who are humble of heart, for our Mighty God in His providence can work miracles in any life by doing the impossible; things that we cannot accomplish on our own. The LORD is completely sovereign and controls everything in both the physical realm as well as the spiritual realm and there is absolutely nothing that He cannot accomplish (Jeremiah 32:17). And this, my friends, when realized, can do miraculous wonders for those who pray in faith. And just as God answered Daniel and his friend’s prayers, so too, will God answer those who freely bring Him all their troubles and concerns when believing that He will listen and respond in His own time and in His own way according to His will. Then like Daniel, we will be able to sing praises and give thanks to the LORD our God no matter what circumstances we may find ourselves in at any time. Understand this dear brothers and sisters that the Lord our God is your Eternal Father (Isaiah 9:6); a Father who loves you beyond all human understanding. He desires a loving relationship with you, but He will not force it upon you. It is your decision to make. So get to know your One True Father in heaven while you still have time, and with a humble and thankful heart talk with Him in faithful prayer, for when you do you can be sure that He will answer in a way that is forever in your best interest.


Thank You my Father, for both your mercy and grace that you so abundantly give freely. Thank You for the wisdom that keeps me safe and free from the sting of death. You are a Father who is worthy of all my praise and honor, both now and forever more!

Monday, November 15, 2010

To Whom Will You Go?


John 6:68-69
Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom would we go?
You alone have the words that give eternal life.
We believe them, and we know You are the Holy One of God.” (NLT)


Jesus was asking His twelve disciples if they, too, were going to abandoned Him. Jesus had just finished teaching them who He was; the True Bread of Life. All of His followers, except the twelve, could not understand what Jesus was saying when He said, “All who eat my flesh and drink my blood remain in Me, and I in them (John 6:56). Those who had abandoned Jesus at that point could only see the humanistic, literal meaning of Jesus’ words, for they were unable to comprehend the spiritual message. On the other hand, eleven of the men that Jesus had hand picked to be His disciples had learned through His teachings that Jesus was who He said He was; the Son of the Living God, and all who came to believe in His every Word would have eternal life in Him.


As I look back on my life-journey at all the times I half-heartedly tried to draw close to God and learn His take on this life, there were just too many things (at that time in my life) that I just could not wrap my mind around, because they seemed so out-of-touch with the world in which I was struggling to survive in. And with each failed attempt I turned and walked further away from God and the Truth, feeling more empty, more unsatisfied, and more hopeless in my quest to find the answers that I so desperately needed; answers that would give true meaning to this hard and difficult life; a life that, thus far, had given me no viable answers and little joy.
The Lord our God is sovereign over all His creation (Colossians 1:17) and there are many things in this life that our finite minds will never understand, but I believe that when a person becomes totally discouraged with the world’s ways of copping with this difficult life and humbly puts his or her life into the mighty and loving hands of our Lord God, Jesus Christ, that He ( our Savior and the Author of Life) will open their eyes to the absolute Truth of God’s Word, and they will begin to see what the Lord wants them to see and understand one day at a time. So it was with me; I had totally given up on my quest for the truth and walked away from God, focusing all my energy on drinking myself to death. But our loving and gracious God had a different plan for me and in His mercy intervened at the last moment; sparing me the death I had once so desired and prayed for.
We have a God, my dear friend, who knows precisely how desperately we need Him (Matthew 6:8). We have a Savior who has made it possible for “everyone” to find the peace about this life, which in time, will sustain our hearts in joy until He comes again to restore our world, and all those who believe in Him, to its full glory.


You, O LORD, are the only One we can trust with our lives. You are the only One who can transform our sinful lives to righteousness. You alone are our only Hope. And it is because of these things that I can joyfully give you thanks and praise. So be glorified, dear LORD, and hear the songs of my heart and the praises of my lips.

Faithful Is The LORD


Psalm 78:56
Yet though He did all this for them,
they continued to test His patience.
They rebelled against the Most High
and refused to follow His decrees. (NLT)


The psalmist here was talking about God’s faithfulness to His people Israel; having led them safely out of Egypt, the LORD provided and protected them throughout their wandering in the wilderness until He brought them into the Promised Land. Yet they turned their backs on Him in rebellion. Even though we have a gracious and loving God, sin has its devastating consequences. Like His people Israel, the LORD will turn away and allow our enemies to defeat us, and if we are wise, we will learn from our mistakes by understanding why God has allowed this to happen and then ask for His forgiveness and repent.


We live in a sinful world; in a sinful body and no matter how thankful we are for God’s grace and forgiveness, we will always fall short of God’s glorious standard. There are times in my life when I feel much like an Israelite; one moment…praising and thanking God for saving me from the sin that can so easily take a hold of me, and the next moment… falling prey to one of the many temptations that robs from me the opportunity to glorify and honor God. Ever since God created man to walk upon this earth the story has been the same—we walk with God and praise Him for a time, then we falter and rebel against Him, and He graciously forgives and saves us. After awhile it should become quite apparent that as imperfect, sinful human beings, we are helpless in our quest to do what is right without God’s help (Romans 7:24, 25). We simply do not have the power to survive on our own—we cannot save ourselves from the enemy of our souls, nor can we earn our way into God’s grace. We must fully understand and live by this truth, for it is our only hope. When I came to the realization that I was powerless against the forces of evil and that I had to rely on the mighty power of God to live, He gave me the ability to humbly surrender both my will and my life to Him, and also the wisdom to know that I would always sin and fall short of His glorious standard, and when I did—He would forgive and forget (Romans 3:23-24).
There is no One more gracious, nor One more loving than our Almighty God. And there is no One who is more compassionate and forgiving than Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior (Psalm 86:8). And when this fact is written on your heart you will gain the wisdom of knowing that while you live in this fallen body you will fall short of God’s glory but God has made a way for you to be forgiven and transformed. And when this happens, it will then become amazingly clear who you are and who you are not.


Lord, I thank you for your gracious favor you bestow upon us—even in all our sinfulness. Because of Your faithfulness we now have the hope of a better life to come—one that we can share face to face with You in all Your glory. What a hopeful picture this paints for Your people, who struggle to survive in this fallen world. All the praise and the glory belong to You, O LORD, both now and forever!

Blessed Be The LORD


Psalm 68:19
Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden,
The God who is our salvation. (NASB)


For those people who have totally surrendered their lives to the LORD their God, relying on Him to guide their life-journey, it becomes quite natural to praise and give Him thanks for all that He has done and will continue to do, but specifically for the price He paid for our salvation—the saving grace of salvation that no one deserves, nor could ever accomplish on their own. And just knowing that you have in the Lord, Christ Jesus, a personal Savior with whom you can trust and unload those heavy burdens that weigh you down, will give you the peace you need in order to rest and gain the strength it takes to live in this cruel world that wants to constantly beat you down and rob from you the precious gift of a glorious new life in heaven.


My dear friends, I believe that the best gifts we can bring to the LORD our God are our lives and our praise. It delights the LORD when we humbly open our hearts and share every detail of our lives with Him, and it honors Him greatly when we live in thanksgiving regardless of our circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). During my faith walk with the LORD, I have discovered that He not only takes delight in these things, but He also makes a point of walking at our side doing the things that we cannot do for ourselves (Proverbs 16:7). What I find so incredible is that we have, as God’s children, the same Saving Power that raised our Lord Jesus from the grave, and the same Mighty Power that created and holds the universe together, available to help us in our times of need. We have many reasons to praise and worship the One who formed us with His very hands and gave us life, but it is our salvation that we should be most thankful for, because without it, living in this sin-filled world that is spinning out of control would have no lasting meaning nor value, and we would all be without the Hope of a better world and a better life to come (Romans 6:23)!


I am so thankful for Your grace and forgiveness, Lord, for I now have a hope and a future; something I never had before You touched my life. And now that You have given me the gift of life, I pray that you will give me the strength and courage to remain steadfast in Your Truth so that others who have no hope will one day find their everlasting hope in You through my example.

Zakery Daniel

Monday, November 1, 2010

Blind Faith

Mark 10:50-52
Throwing his cloak aside he jumped to his feet, and came to Jesus. "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked him. The blind man said, "Rabbi, I want to see." "Go" said Jesus. "Your faith has healed you." Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.

Why did Jesus turn and address the blind man who sat by the side of the road and hollered out as He passed by? First, he called out for Jesus. The blind man couldn't see Jesus. He couldn't see the other miracles Jesus had been doing. He could only hear about them, but he believed what he'd heard to be true. He had never seen a miracle, yet he believed that Jesus did work miracles and he wanted a miracle for himself. Jesus didn't pray for the healing to happen; the healing happened because Jesus found a man who believed that it could happen. After the miracle, the blind man followed Jesus.

Jesus is looking for us to believe in Who He is for our need, for our redemption. Jesus wants us to believe before we can see. He wants us to ask Him, to cry out to Him for our need. If the blind man had sat quietly and waited, Jesus would have passed him by. Jesus is looking for those who passionately want Him, not those who are satisfied to sit quietly by the wayside and watch. Jesus touches those who will follow Him after their eyes are opened, who don't turn back to their old ways, but follow in His footsteps.

Jesus, open my eyes to the sin that has so bogged me down it has immobilized me. Open my eyes so I can throw off the blanket of blindness to be able to see clearly so I can follow you wholly. I don't want to be left behind.