(Luke 12:57) And why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?
Jesus presented His question to crowds, the thousands of people who trampled each other to hear Him. Undoubtedly, their spectrum of wisdom ranged from insightful to clueless; yet Jesus charged each person to actively judge rightness for themselves. He was clear: God's will and God's Word were the standards for right. He was also clear that God holds them responsible for how they appliedy what measures of knowledge He gave them.
Why don't I judge for myself what is right? Do I defer to others to escape being responsible and doing right? Do I look carefully at my life and community, and take both a stand and necessary action to do right, to broaden the span of my Master's influence. He is the Righteous Judge, the Prince of Peace--do I wisely live out all the insights He has generously given me (before I ask for more)?
Master, Savior, thank You for Your patience and mercy on me. I don't want to use that as an excuse for neglecting what You want to do through me. Help me today to live the Truth You've shown me. Help me to be fully attentive to do everything that brings You pleasure as You observe me.